Δευτέρα 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2010


Αποδοχή. Συνώνυμη με την έγκριση, το σεβασμό.
Για ποιο λόγο περιμένεις αποδοχή; Να σε σώσει ο δογματισμός;
Aναμονείς τη μέρα που θα μπορέσω ελεύθερα να αγαπήσω;
Σπάνε οι φραγμοί που υπήρχαν αιώνια τριγύρω.
Μήπως υπήρχαν πρωτού αναδειχθεί το φαινόμενο;
Ή ήταν, τελικά, τόσο αναμενόμενο;
Ακόμα υπάρχουν αντιρρήσεις.
Από ποιούς και γιατί; Aπό οικογένεια, φίλους..ανθρώπους που ούτε καν έχεις γνωρίσει.
Πνευματικά τυφλοί και καθηλωμένοι, οπισθοδρομικοί και ανεξήγητα μετανιωμένοι.
<< Την αγάπη διέδωσε στο συνάνθρωπο >>, σου συμβουλεύουν,
μα οι ίδοι γιατί νομίζουν πως έχουν το δικαίωμα να σου την απαγορεύουν;
Το παράδοξο είναι πως διαδίδεσαι στα λόγια σαν επιδημία.
Στις πράξεις των ανθρώπων που σε χρησιμοποιούν, όμως, αποκαλύπτεται η προσωπική τους λεξιπενία.
Το μέλλον είναι απρόβλεπτο, υπάρχει η πιθανότητα να εκλείψεις.
Μην μ'αφήσεις μόνη μου, πάρε με μαζί σου εαν σκέφτεσαι να εγκαταλείψεις.

Τετάρτη 10 Νοεμβρίου 2010

Τα πρώτα μου λόγια

Όντας άτομο στη ζωή δεκαέξι και χρόνια,

είναι ώρα να εκφράσω και εγώ τα πρώτα μου λόγια.

Που, πριν έρθεις είχαν ήδη σχηματιστεί,

απλώς χρειάστηκε την παρεμβολή σου ώστε να επιτευχθεί.

Συναισθήματα, χαμόγελα, γράμματα με βαθύτερο νόημα.

Περιπέτειες, συζητήσεις, μα πολύ περισσότερο γλυκές τύψεις.

Αστεία, έλξη, φράσεις που σε τρίτους χρειάζεται ιδιαίτερη σκέψη.

Περπάτημα, φύση, πολύ περπάτημα, που είναι η βρύση;

Ήρθες απρόσμενα και θέλω να μείνεις,

οι δυσκολίες είναι πολλές, το ξέρω, μα η καρδιά μου εκεί κλίνει.

Τα μάτια σου κρύβουν έναν κόσμο που επιθυμώ να γνωρίσω,

το βλέμμα σου δεν επιτρέπει το σώμα μου να μετακινήσω.

Τα λόγια σου δεν μου αφήνουν περιθώριο σκέψης και αναπνοής,

αφήνουν ορθάνοιχτα, όμως, το δρόμο της απερίγραπτης, περιπετειώδης σιωπής.

Ώστε αυτό είναι το ξακουστό αίσθημα που, για χρόνια περιγράφουν, για χρόνια με αυτό δημιουργούν, αυτό τους δίνει ελπίδα και γι'αυτό, πλέον ,ζούν.

Ποιός ξέρει πόσος χρόνος μας απομένει;

Σ'αυτή τη ζωή όλο κάτι μας περιμένει.

Όταν περάσουν τα χρόνια και αντικρίσουμε την αλήθεια,

γεμάτοι εμπειρίες, πόνους, νοσταλγίες-προμήθεια,

θυμήσου τα πρώτα μου λόγια.Σε παρακαλώ..μη με ξεχάσεις,

Μεγάλη, ήρθε η ώρα που μ'αφήνεις..ήρθε η ώρα να αποδράσεις.

Τρίτη 12 Οκτωβρίου 2010


How can you cry over someone you have never met?
How can you feel so much regret?
How can you love someone then see them going up the stairs?
Knowing,somehow,it was your very last farewell?
Why do you miss something once it's gone?
Is everyone this lonesome?
Education is the future,education is the key
Do I just repeat it or do I literally agree?
Love conquers all,love helps you through the quest
Fight for your love,fight for what gives advantage to the rest
These years are passing,my childhood seems distant
Where am I going?Is it normal to be this hesitant?
So many thoughts form a soliloquy
Are you really you?Am I really me?
But wait,wait just one moment,the real question is : are you free?
(I haven't written a blog in ages.I have no idea why.Might have been blogger's block?hehe..but yeah,here's a poem I wrote quite a while ago.I hadn't completed a poem in two years.It has a different interpretation to every person.Enjoy,peeps)

Πέμπτη 17 Ιουνίου 2010

First day of summer

Woke up at around 20 to six-ish and watched some episodes of ‘The L Word’.Then,I remembered to have breakfast.Did so many things throughout the day:

  • Sorted out and threw some scrap paper and books that were invading my desk.
  • Fed my cats(when one of them,Senio,comes into contact with meat,he takes it away from the others and makes this ‘grrr’ sound.It’s hilarious).
  • Helped my brother and grandpa load wood onto his truck and unload it on the other side of our farm(yeah,man,I live on a farm,burnnn haha :P).
  • Cleaned up little bits of wood and dust off my grandpa’s truck.While my grandpa had the ‘reverse’ gear,my brother was telling him to drive slowly and carefully.At one point my grandpa hit this metal door and broke his right back light.Once it happened me and my brother got shocked but then started giggling.Then,my grandpa was like : Simon,why didn’t you tell me to stop? Simon: I told you!You weren’t listening!*slightly laughs*.
  • Cleaned up little bits of wood at our BBQ area.
  • Washed a car with my brother.During the act of doing so,I asked him if he felt like Jessica Simpson(we were washing it with soapy water and sponges) and he said : I always feel like Jessica Simpson.Me : Hahahahahahah
  • Played with with my little kittens(which,my family and I thought went missing.Turns out that their mother placed them deeper into this other area).I wanted to take a picture of them because they looked very adorable when they were sleeping.
  • Moved a couple of things out of my bedroom and into our basement area
  • Swept some pieces of grass whilst listening to System Of A Down and Scars On Broadway.I think I was singing too loudly and realized it because my cats were looking at me in a weird way.
  • Washed the dishes.
  • Placed some photographs in their old albums where they originally were taken from.There were so many so I felt relieved for doing so.I miss those years very much.
  • Got an injection.It hurt.But not as much as the first two times for the specific injection.
  • Washed another car.Before doing so,I felt very lazy.My twin sister was supposed to help me but she stayed inside because she wanted to watch the last twenty minutes of this overly exaggerated Greek series xD
  • Watched ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ with my twin sister.We ‘awed’ so much.The guy that starred in ‘500 Days Of Summer’ was in it,too.It reminded me that today was summer and I felt happy(random hahah).It’s a shame that Heath Ledger is dead.He seemed like an excellent actor and person.

I realize that this list is pretty huge.I like having days like these,though.They seem more creative.So yeah,there’s the first day of summer for you.Oh,Greece beat Nigeria in football today.Woo for Greek football players!

Listening to this radio station at the moment called ‘Peripou Radio’.It’s freaking awesome.I don’t really listen to the radio because most of the stations don’t play music I prefer(or hardly any of the music I prefer).So yeah,it’s cool that there’s a radio like this one.

Τετάρτη 9 Ιουνίου 2010

Here's today for you

Woke up,got dressed,ate breakfast(toast-yum!),fed my five cats,took out the garbage,laughed loads with my twin sister and brother,went to school and had an essay exam(which I did pretty well on,might I add).Afterward,I went to town with my twin sister to see this pair of shoes that she's absolutely crazy about.She wanted to take a picture of them in order to show them to her boyfriend and she was scared to at the beginning.It was quite funny because she'd hold up her camera to take a snapshot and then the lady on the inside would sort of turn and look outside(she didn't realize what she was doing,thankfull).The funny part was that she said : Marilena,take the picture!I was like : no..!:S(she was the one who wanted me to come with her to do so in the first place haha).It was really funny,though.I'm smiling right now just at the thought of it.
Came home,sorted out some scrap paper that was on my desk,ate this delicious mix of eggplant,onion and tomato in the oven while watching 'Hannah Montana' with my twin sister and started gathering all the necessities in order to wash our car.My grandpa was sitting at this table that we have in our garden.While I was filling up this soap filled mop bucket,he called me and I understood that he wanted to give me money.You see,when he wants to give money to his grandchildren,he always gets this really cute tone in his voice;it's as if I can hear his generosity just by the way he talks.Anyway,I filled up the mop bucket(having my back turned to him) and placed it next to the car so I could,eventually,make my way back.He was like : Marilena,come here*gives two ten euro bills for me and my twin sister*.I smiled,sighed and asked him why and his reply made me smile even more : it was my birthday yesterday and I didn't get you guys anything.You guys surprised me with a cake and candle and I didn't get you anything,so there you go.I told him that I know that when someone has a birthday it usually goes the other way round.He laughed and said that he knows it his way.Ahh,I adore moments like those.
So yeah,washed the car with my twin sister.It was so much fun.We laughed,sang along to the songs on the radio,cleaned the car from the inside,too.She wet me a couple of times and I was like ahh hahah.
Talked to a couple of people online and offline.Was good.
In the afternoon,me and my twin sister sat on my bed and talked about so many things.We haven't talked like that in ages.It felt nice.I mean,generally speaking,we're close..but today just felt different.We're so different as people that it awes me when we get along and actually end up enjoying each others company.
Talked to our older sister on Skype.Laughed loads about random stories,people,videos,situations.She's coming on Friday!Can't wait.
Had an awesome day.Hope I have other days like these.

Παρασκευή 4 Ιουνίου 2010

So yeah..here's today

Went to the dietitian’s office today.Got some good results.My pants have become really loose on me!I’m going to go and buy some pants with my mom and twin sister tomorrow morning,after my algebra lesson.

Walked loads,uploaded some cool songs onto my iPod,studied hard,watched a bit of this Greek show with my grandma,twin sister and mom.My grandma is so into the shows she watches.Before one of the shows started,she came in all out of breath(she was gardening,I assume) and asked my mom if the show started in a very eager manner.It was cute.

Made dinner for myself and the others.Salad,croutons,cucumber,mayo,egg and some lemon juice on top.Was immensely delicious haha.

While I was walking down,I saw this grandpa with a camera.While I passed him,I gave him a smile and told him that his camera looked lovely.Once he saw me,he said hello and asked me how I was.I was in a hurry,so I couldn’t actually reply to his question.I was grinning all the way to my algebra lesson.I dunno,in some areas around the world that would seem like a creepy situation to be in;just saying hello to a complete stranger,that is.He genuinely seemed happy that I greeted him,though.I felt good for making him feel that way;even if it was for a little.

I live in a pretty small town with a population that reaches about 30,000 inhabitants.Greeting people that you don’t know over here isn’t weird,though.I do it all the time.You never know what a little greeting or smile might do to make a person’s bad day turn into a decent one.It’s really worth it.

Τρίτη 25 Μαΐου 2010

Times like these..

I don't know why,but lately I've been thinking about my childhood a little more than I usually do.How I thought things would turn out at the time and age I'm at now,who would be in my life,what my life would be like,how I would be like.Things are a whole lot different from personal experience.So yeah,this is me and my twin sister when we were four(I think..?).My mom used to dress us up in similar clothes and everything.I miss those lego-building,choco crisps-eating,ed edd n eddy-watching days.

Τρίτη 11 Μαΐου 2010


Stayed at home today due to the fact of my awaking with head,throat and stomach pain.Went on msn and talked to a couple of people.Had a great talk with one of them.She’s inspiring.

Studied physics,chemistry and some ancient Greek.Talked to a friend of mine who lives in a town nearby.We laughed so much.

Today was the last day of school.Exams start on the 18th.Ancient Greek is my first exam.I hope to do well on it.I’m more of an algebra,geometry,physics,chemistry person.Although,my favorite lesson is literature.

Went walking at 2 pm for two hours.It was amazing and relaxing.I was walking uphill and these men were saddling up some of their horses(which reminded me of this movie I saw on Monday at school called ‘The White Horse’.It’s 1953 production,I think).One of the men told me to be careful because there were these Albanian men further up the hill.I was like..o.O and said okay.When I was returning I talked to him about his horses and then came to the fact about those Albanian men.That not all Albanian men are dangerous or bad;that not all Greeks are good and kindhearted;he agreed and just told me to be more aware.I thanked him for his concern.I just felt really weird and didn’t want his statement to be left at air.I’ve been constantly hearing,over the past few years of my stay in Greece,that Albanians are this and that.Not all of it is true though.Most Greeks just choose to refer the inconvenient traits of Albanian people and coax about how they’re not anything like them.We all should look at ourselves as equal citizens and most of all,as human beings.*ends rant*

So yeah,walked loads.I cleared my mind.Thought about lots of things.I like walking by myself and seeing things.

Had a lesson from 4-5(physics and chemistry) and then an essay lesson from 5:10 till 6:45.It went well.

Κυριακή 9 Μαΐου 2010


I love this song.It's just ahh.Lovely.
It's mother's day today.Called mom on Skype about four times.She wasn't answering.She and dad called in the afternoon while me and my twin sister were watching 'Dear John'.That movie was pretty good.I was also watching a movie called '10 Things I Hate About You' with Heath Ledger and this other actress who stars in 'The Mona Lisa Smile'(great movie by the way).
Had an interesting yet sad conversation with my grandma today which started with me casually wishing her a happy mother's day.I really love her and I appreciate everything she's ever done for me and for my whole family.She's a fighter.She's one of the people I have great respect for.
I studied algebra,physics,chemistry,geometry,history and economics today.I feel so relieved for doing so because they were important obligations I had to complete.Umm,I feel exceptionally relieved yet tired for completing those obligations(logical,but still haha).
School finished on Wednesday.Exams are coming up.Woohoo!I think I'll do well in my exams.Except for ancient Greek,that is.I have no idea how I'm going to do in that lesson.Time will tell,I guess.

Τετάρτη 5 Μαΐου 2010


Do you think that all this vandalism gets you anywhere?

Do you think that you gain your rights this way?

Enacting barbarically,like animals without any form of logic or emotion?

4 people are dead.Not three.Four.One of the women were pregnant.Do you care?The answer is no.You don’t.

You have the right to protest.You do.It’s a democratic right.Why can’t you protest peacefully though?What’s the gain in a peaceful protest you ask?No deaths,no destruction of public property or injury of the mass.That’s the gain.With your offensive,selfish,out of control protest all you’ve managed to do is cause pain and loss.

Δευτέρα 3 Μαΐου 2010


Today was a very tiring,busy day.Nevertheless,it was quite creative!
My mom is visiting my dad so our means of transport are a bit limited.Walked so much today.I've walked the equivalent of two hours.It was good exercise though!
Watched a bit of 'FRIENDS' with my twin sister and ate this lovely dinner which consisted of yogurt,tomato-cucumber salad and a cheese sandwich!
I've been thinking of asking my parents to go to the Placebo concert that will-hopefully-take place in Thessalonikh this September.I really want to go!The first 1000 tickets will cost 30 euros.
My guitar lesson went really well today.Started learning the intro of 'Over The Hills' by Nightwish(I think that's what the name of the song is called,anyway).Been working on 'Chamber Of Lies' by Running Wild.It's a bit difficult but definitely satisfying to play.
Off to take a shower and complete some chemistry revision.

Κυριακή 2 Μαΐου 2010


Amazing,amazing,amazing day.Every 1st of May,people from my town go and celebrate the fact that workers fought for their right to an eight hour profession.So,today,the park by my house was filled with people.It was very interesting and fun to see all these people and cars;all the energy was rejuvenating.

I went walking to town to meet up with a friend of mine-Eva-and to make our way up to my house.Turns out that we came up to my house by her parents’ car.Eva’s brother is so adorable.I really like her family;they’re very kind and welcoming.

Me and Eva made our way into the house after saying hello to my grandpa and two of my cats.She really liked my home;the garden mostly.I love my garden.She saw my twin sister,they talked and afterward we were watching the movie ‘Greta’ starring Hilary Duff.We both then suggested to go for a walk in the park.We did and it was very nice yet relaxing.When we returned from our walk in the park,I took this yard blanket and lay it on the grass.There,we sat and conversed about many,many things whilst watching the sky and the stars.My cats were there too.One of them constantly kept rubbing himself on us.It was cute!I really love Eva.She’s one of my closest friends and I’m very glad to have met her when I did.

These past few days have been going wonderfully well.I keep on wondering if I’m dreaming.I’ve come to realize that times like these,moments like these,shouldn’t be expected or planned.They just happen.Also,people can have memorable moments if they just relax and look at things from a different point of view;a more optimistic point of view.Sometimes,life throws things at you that you only have the power to interpret positively.


Today was one of the best days I’ve had in ages.

Went on a field trip with my year to this place called Kastoria.Went to some tourist attractions.I saw these representation of ancient neolithic houses.Had a good laugh when people started goofing around with some tools in the houses.Saw this cave with stalactites and stalagmites.Some people told us there were bats in there and basically most of the girls in my year freaked out.It was quite funny.Went to this church too.The eyes of the painted saints had been scratched off by the Turks.It was a bit shocking but,nevertheless,very interesting to witness.

Went to the city of Kastoria and stayed there for a good four hours.Ate with friends at this tavern.The food was delicious!Had a chocolate drink afterward.Took loads of pictures.I got to know some people better too.

At one point during our drive back home,we got stopped due to this strike some people of the city were having.Instead of getting all grumpy we just got off our buses,started dancing,singing,playing hand games and did the infamous ‘ALELE’!

Came back at nine o’clock and went straight to the park to see some friends.There was supposed to be a concert but it didn’t happen.The bass player from the band told me it was supposed to happen tonight but it didn’t.Weird haha.Me and my friend Eva went out with this guy friend of mine called Stratos.We all had fun and joked around about lots of things.

Today was a day I’ll definitely remember and smile about [: