Κυριακή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


Μέσω της αμφισβήτησης, έρχεται η α-πορ(ε)ία
Στο ενδιάμεσο της (αυτο)ανακήρυξης η αρχή της σταδιοδρομίας.
Μέσω του μοιράσματος, αχνοφαίνεται η στιγμιαία ματαιότητα.
Στο "Εγώ δε γνωρίζω" και στο "Δεν είναι θέμα επικαιρότητας".
Μέσω της άφεσης της ασύλληπτης ατομικότητας, παρουσιάζεται η αίσθηση του ταξιδιού, της συλλογικότητας.
Εν συντομία,
"Όταν εφάπτονται ανθρώπινοι κύκλοι, είναι μαγεία"

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Τρίτη 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


When in doubt... return to being a listener and release yourself from the responsibility of being a creator.” – Ana Barkley
There is an interdependence between responsibility and viewpoint. Creation comes from a selfless core of our being; from the part of us which sets out to leave our piece (peace?), our mosaic contribution to others who will, in turn, listen, observe and approach it while still having their own pre-formed viewpoint.
Each encounter, each stimulus is an opportunity. What we see around us is, in fact, an ongoing draft of creation.


Τετάρτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


If you find yourself doubting your sky,
change the meaning of rain, feel the drops dry.
If you feel disappointment in the melody of time,
try other chords, allow room for an opposite rhyme.
When you wake up and feel those seconds of self-decipherment,
take a deep breath, see the infinite possibilities of your temperament.
When you engage in your ambitions and see no light,
remember the variety of routes, the alternative sight.
When you acknowledge the ongoing learning process,
your mistakes will shift from insecurity excess to tools of spiritual progress.
When society appreciates camaraderie above rivalry,
we will own our fates and surpass the utilitarian pseudo-modesty.

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Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Cosima's Problem With Authority

(...) This provoked other questions like: What happens when the rules change? What happens when it is no longer clear who is in charge? What happens when we stop obeying the rules altogether? When does “going rogue” cross the line between acts of subversiveness into full-fledged revolt? When a governing constitution is overthrown, to what authority, to what rules can we appeal to adjudicate the formation of new laws? To what degree does power have to be centralized before it becomes the rule of law? How do we prioritize one type of authority over another? What does it look like to escape the rule of one authority only to become subject to the despotism of another? Does authority have to be obvious to be effective, or can it be so deeply embedded in, or as, conventions of behaviour that its efficaciousness operates through its invisibility? In that case, is it even possible to salvage one’s autonomy from an authoritative regime? Certainly we don’t propose to know the answers to these; instead, what is offered is an exploration of the possibilities of what might be.'

(Source : http://www.bbcamerica.com/orphan-black/2015/04/18/cosimas-problem-with-authority/2/)

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Κυριακή 18 Οκτωβρίου 2015

'Sweden Took A Giant Step Against Male Rape' by Thor Benson


'(...) One of the major issues related to men being raped is the stigma around it. Not only do people tend to laugh at the idea, because they don't understand it, but there are other stigmas. "The main stigma stems from the idea that a man can’t experience of any kind of victimization and still be considered a man," Anderson said. "In addition, the idea that a man could have been raped by a woman is tantamount to saying he has experienced the ultimate emasculation, [and that makes] it extremely difficult for a man who has been raped and/or sexually assaulted by a female to be believed." '

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Παρασκευή 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


With time, our memories will perish
The riots and sacrifices will resonance with the laughter of the ongoing youth.
With hunger and thirst their battles will be fought; their love will be valid, their wine will be devoured, without reason or occasion.
With perseverance, our offspring will question our motives; study our ways, seek the truth behind our routines.
What will they think of us?
Existential consumption, irreplaceable thirst, automative feelings and addictions?
The shifts and turns in our cultures will amalgamate, bring forth more ethical exceptions, nihilistic considerations, different means of oppression.
The cycle will go on until a dystopic euphoria will settle over us like a cloud until we look up and wonder to ourselves : what do I want to be remembered by?
The answer will be found in interpretation - untouched and constantly reaching proximity where, momentarily, it will shine the color closest to its original purpose.

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Πέμπτη 23 Ιουλίου 2015


When our bodies tangle in mellow cheer
And you kiss my cheeks with HCl tears
I will tell them I once lived a love so gentle it felt like I had known her for years.
When you ask me to see the stars
And you name the galaxies without thinking of bars
I will tell them how your head was not in the clouds but in space - possibly Mars.
When you see my smile, my pose
And you return your sweet grin, eyes almost closed
I will tell them about your braveness, your will, your hopeful soul.

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Τρίτη 21 Ιουλίου 2015


'this picture deserves more context than it’s been getting. on the far left is linda sarsour. she is a palestinian-american racial justice and civil rights activist and media commentator. in the middle is carmen perez, co-founder of Justice League NYC and criminal justice reform activist. on the far right is tamika mallory, a civil and human rights activist and freedom fighter.
this is the march2justice. it was a 250 mile-long walk from staten island to washington, dc. they were delivering what they call the justice package, a list of proposals for congress that would seek to end racial profiling, the militarization of police, and to support programs to prevent the incarceration of young people. about 100 people marched with them (...)'  (Comments : http://gutgroan.tumblr.com/post/117640262646/hijabby-theres-so-much-pain-in-this-photo-poc, Source : http://hijabby.tumblr.com/post/116995423100/theres-so-much-pain-in-this-photo-poc-in)

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Humans Of New York Story

“I grew up very religious, and I was taught to think that people with alternative lifestyles were just ‘confused.’ But now it seems to me that gender and sexuality are so bendable and flexible. I’ve been going to a lot of poetry readings lately, and people present themselves in such raw forms. And they don’t seem confused at all. They are being so honest and transparent in their poetry. How are you supposed to object and say that ‘who they are’ is wrong?”

Source : https://www.facebook.com/humansofnewyork/photos/a.102107073196735.4429.102099916530784/1031079383632828/?type=1&fref=nf&pnref=story

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Τετάρτη 15 Ιουλίου 2015

Θυμάσαι όταν κοιταχτήκαμε πρώτη φορά;
Άφησα αυτά που κρατούσα κι αγκαλιαστήκαμε στη ζώνη αφίξεων Σέγκεν.
Μου είπες να βάλω κάτι πάνω μου γιατι έκανε λίγη ψυχρούλα.
Μου πήρες τη βαλίτσα και φύγαμε.
Θυμάσαι όταν σου χάιδεψα πρώτη φορά το χέρι στον προαστιακό;
Το βλέμμα σου ήταν γεμάτο έκπληξη και ζεστασιά. 
Μου χαμογέλασες κι ακούγαμε τους τουρίστες να μιλούν για διάφορες περιοχές της Αθήνας.
Μου εξέφρασες λόγια ευγνωμοσύνης για το εικονογραφημένο βιβλίο γενετικής.
Θυμάσαι όταν πηγαίναμε προς τη Ν. Ιωνία και αγχώθηκα μήπως κάνω λάθος με τo GPS;
Γέλασες κι έβαλες CD με τα αγαπημένα μας τραγούδια.
Με άφησες να αφήσω το χέρι μου πάνω στο δικό σου, στις ταχύτητες.
Μου έλεγες να προσέχω για ‘ένα ζαχαροπλαστείο στα δεξιά’ κι είχες παράπονο που δε σε κοίταζα για πολύ.
Θυμάσαι όταν σου κέρασε η γυναίκα στο αρτοποιείο ένα γλυκάκι μικρό κι εμένα μου ετοίμασε χαρτοπετσέτα με πιτάκια;
‘Από ταξίδι έρχεται’ ανακοίνωσες γεμάτη περηφάνεια και “τραγική ειρωνεία”.
Με κοίταξες λες και πρωταγωνιστούσαμε σε κάποια προσπωική μας θεατρική παράσταση.
Μου κουβάλησες τη βαλίτσα και πάλι.
Θυμάσαι όταν ανεβαίναμε με το ασανσέρ στον 2ο αφού ακούσαμε τα κορίτσια;
Σε φίλησα στο ξεκάρφωτο εντελώς “τσαπατσούλικα”.
Με ρώτησες αν θα’ταν καλύτερα να πατούσες το ‘στοπ’.
Μου θύμισες σκηνές της εφηβείας μου.
Θυμάσαι όταν καθόμασταν στον καναπέ και σου χάιδευα τη πλάτη;
Μιλούσαμε με τα κορίτσια και λέγαμε τα νέα μας.
Με ρωτούσες αν ήθελα να στρίψω από τον καπνό σου.
Μου υπενθύμιζες ότι πεινούσα όταν η συζήτηση ηρεμούσε.

Θυμάσαι όταν ήμασταν στο μπαλκόνι και βλέπαμε τις νεραντζιές της γειτονιάς;
Σχολιάζαμε τα σχέδια της τέντας πλησιάζοντας πιο κοντά.
Μου έδωσες ένα νεύσμα ναζιάρικο μετά το φιλί στο μάγουλο.
Με κοίταξες γεμάτη αγνό υπονοούμενο όταν μας διέκοψαν.
Θυμάσαι όταν φιληθήκαμε στο υπόγειο και προσπαθούσαμε να κάνουμε ησυχία;
Τα χείλη και τα χέρια μας δε χόρταιναν την αφή.
Μου είπες καληνύχτα με τον τρόπο που επέβαλλε η φαντασία της απόστασης.
Μου περιέγραφες μια δυσκολία διαχείρισης του συμπλέκτη στην επιστροφή.
Θυμάσαι όταν άργησα εκείνο το Σαββατόβραδο κι ανησύχησες;
Ακόμη μυρίζω την άσπρη ζακέτα σου και έχω ανάμνηση του βλέμματός σου.
Μου έδειχνες την Ομόνοια και παίζαμε με τα φανάρια και τα κόκκινα ανθρωπάκια.
Μου κρατούσες μούτρα - δύσκολα - κρατώντας μου το χέρι.
Θυμάσαι όταν μου έδειχνες τη πολυκατοικία και το δωμάτιο στα Εξάρχεια;
Έφερνε μια αίσθηση του ‘70, ένα μέρος που ξεχείλιζε ζωή κι επανάσταση.
Μου πρόσφερες ημίγλυκο κρασί αφού μου έκανες λογοτεχνική ξενάγηση της βιβλιοθήκης.
Μου δέχτηκες τη πρόταση για arm wrestling στο γραφείο με χιουμοριστικό πείσμα.
Θυμάσαι όταν πήγαμε σε ένα από τα αγαπημένα σου μπαρ και στη κρεπαρία με τον φίλο σου;
Ένιωθα λες κι ονειρευόμουν καθώς τα λαμπάκια φώτιζαν αμυδρά το περιβάλλον.
Μου περιέγραφες σκηνές από τα φοιτητικά σου χρόνια.
Μου ζωγράφιζες εικόνες για το μέλλον των πολυμερών.
Θυμάσαι όταν επιστρέψαμε στο διαμέρισμα;
Δε ξέρω αν ειχα ψιλομεθύσει περισσότερο από το κρασί ή το άρωμά σου.
Με φιλούσες με τόσο πάθος που μούδιαζα ολόκληρη.
Μου αποκάλυψες την εξιλέωση και τη θυσία καθώς τα σώματά μας συνέχιζαν τις αέναες κινήσεις.
Θυμάσαι όταν ακούγαμε το Dark Side Of The Moon;
Είχε αρχίσει να ξημερώνει κι αναρωτηθήκαμε πότε πέρασε η ώρα.
Μου είχε φανεί σωτήρια η ανακάλυψη του μπλε αναπτήρα.
Μου είχες δώσει ΙΟΝ σοκολάτα για πρωινό όταν ξυπνήσαμε.

Online Users

Πέμπτη 18 Ιουνίου 2015


If I could tell myself words of the unseen
If I could make myself see images of the unspoken
I would break the futility, the urge
If I could allow myself to feel the strokes of her fingers
If I could show myself her hand underneath mine through the shifting gears
I would chase the paradox, the sound waves of time.
If I could experience the sensation of her legs around mine,
The weight of her waist firmly pressing against my lower abdomen.

If I could explain the way her sighs escape as my lips gently travel her neck,
The waves of pleasure ignite a hunger and perseverance.
If I could give a heads up to the feeling of seeing her for the first time
The trembling body, the tetris-like analogy, the enzyme-substrate sensation
The meaning of hedonism is rewritten with every embrace, every exchange of glance, every silence shared;
The interpretation of life is renewed after every pun, every playlist, every smile, every sleepy ‘Morning has come’.
If I could bring myself to the past to share wisdom of vibrant youth,
I would say a few sentences, one truth :
Love is coming.
There are no rules.

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Πέμπτη 4 Ιουνίου 2015

23. A Letter To Someone You Are Proud Of

Dear -,

You are one of the reasons I am who I am today. You have taught me a lot about living life to the fullest. We both know you have been through some hardships and you still keep a smile on your face and a feeling for letting life bring to you what it will.

We have so many memories of driving together, laughing at the most random things on the internet, traveling, hanging out in the park in our hometown, exchanging meaningful looks during awkward/momentous situations.

I love you, mpoumpouni.

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Κυριακή 15 Μαρτίου 2015

'Το Τέρας κι εμείς (ένα υστερόγραφο στην προαναγγελθείσα απώλεια του Βαγγέλη Γιακουμάκη)' από Μαρία Λουκά

''Είναι φασισμός της καθημερινότητας, τόσο βαθιά ριζωμένος που γίνεται αδιόρατος, με την εκμετάλλευση του μετανάστη που είναι οκ για να μαζεύει τις ελιές και να προσέχει τη γιαγιά αλλά τρώει (το λιγότερο) μια κλωτσιά όταν διεκδικεί λεφτά ή χαρτιά, η απαξίωση του τοξικοεξαρτημένου στην Τοσίτσα που πρέπει διαρκώς να εκδιώχνεται γιατί χαλάει την εικόνα της πόλης, το χυδαίο πείραγμα από το αμάξι στην ανήλική αφρικανή – θύμα του trafficking λίγο πριν ο καθαγιασμένος «νυκοκυραίος» πάρει έναν ακόμα όρκο τιμής στην οικογένεια και τη θρησκεία, το «στ΄αρχίδια» μου παρκάρισμα στη ράμπα του ανάπηρου και όλες αυτές οι συμπεριφορές που είναι τόσο συχνές και αυτοματοποιημένες , ώστε να γίνονται απενεχοποιημένες. (...) Και σ’ αυτή τη συνομοταξία το φύλο ίσως είναι η πιο σκληρή κατηγορία νοήματος , γιατί σε εγκαλεί από τα πρώτα χρόνια της ύπαρξης σου σ’ ένα αυστηρά διχοτομικό πλαίσιο είτε να είσαι «γυναίκα» δηλαδή χαριτωμένη, γλυκιά και σέξυ, είτε να είσαι «άνδρας» δηλαδή μάτσο, σκληρός, αρρενωπός και επιβλητικός. Κι αν δε χωράς σ’ αυτή τη νόρμα ολόκληρο το πλέγμα των μηχανισμών εξουσίας και των κοινωνικών σχέσεων αναλαμβάνει την πειθαρχική «συμμόρφωση» σου , από το ήπιο κοροϊδευτικό γελάκι , τη νουθεσία να «γίνεις άνδρας» μέχρι την πρωτόγνωρη βαρβαρότητα μιας παρέας Κρητικών που θα δε δέσει σε μια καρέκλα, θα σου περάσει έναν ιμάντα στο λαιμό, θα σε κλειδώσει σε μια ντουλάπα κλπ κλπ.'


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Thoughts On Body Image

Σάββατο 7 Μαρτίου 2015


It continues in a dream
A beam
So small you’d think it was never meant to be seen
Lures me in, chest forward, chiseled chin
Wall nearin’
A sense of
Dysfunctional genetics
Dysphoria kicks in
Strokes of black cover my skin
Indulge in the lips, the neck 
Pulsating heels 
Blood runs 
Speck by speck
Cyclic motion of sentimental glances.
Tip toeing around forgotten chances
Oh, the unseen dances
Where is the need for romances

Breathe, feel
Exhale, peel 

This is a dream.
It is not real.

Online Users

Δευτέρα 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

22. A Letter To Someone You No Longer Speak To

Dear -,
I remember when we used to hang out and watch so many Disney movies together on the weekend. You usually ordered chicken nuggets and adored listening to Hilary Duff. I lost count of the times we spent watching ‘What A Girl Wants’.Remember the voices we used to record on the computer in our attempt to imitate Lilo’s voice from ‘Lilo & Stitch’? How many ‘Shirley Temple’s do you think we ordered during our time at the compound? Do you also think that the ‘Teen Room’ was overrated but remember feeling extremely curious as to what used to go on in there?! You would sometimes feel jealous of your younger brother when I would spend time with him and claim that he was trying to steal me away from you. 
One day, we were playing a game with an electronic device which had the options of ‘Truth or Dare’; after being dared to pat my head and rub my stomach in cyclic movement, you asked me to tell you a secret. You were one of the first people I think I ever told that I felt “different” to.. although I wasn’t afraid to tell you it. I sometimes wonder why it felt so natural and easy to open up about it. Maybe it was because I felt more at peace with who I was before puberty.. even though what I felt was not represented in any popular media (that I had access to) ten years ago.
I often wonder about the person you are now, if you recall the long days at the recreation centre, if you still think about the afternoons we spent together when a song by Hilary Duff or a movie with Amanda Bynes appears.
I think after the bomb, a lot of friends who said they would never lose touch did.. not because they never valued their friendships but because that’s the way life is sometimes. Who knows, maybe sometime in the near future we’ll drop each other a line and talk about those days and reminisce about them with smiles and nostalgia.

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Τετάρτη 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

21. A Letter To Your Ideal Self

When we’re younger, we tend to idealize our future selves in hopes of fulfilling our deepest desires; Will we manage to do X before this age? Will we succeed in Y? Will we be okay if Z occurs?
When you were younger, you pictured yourself in your late teens/university years and you had certain expectations. Some of them were met but others were not. I guess it would be interesting to see where your full potential could lead you if you wouldn't allow your "limitations" to hinder your will and passion.
There’s a fire in your heart; a strong yearning for experiencing it all, for traveling, learning and sharing with others. Maybe you’re making changes to one person’s life and maybe there are a couple more .
You know Armenian and Arabic. You have read most of the classics and don’t have to re-read philosophy excerpts numerous times in order to grasp what is being said. Your knowledge of history is broad and diverse; you don’t fight back tears or cry when you’re angry or in debate for a just cause. 
I feel closer to you than I have ever before. Undoubtedly, my younger self would be awed and proud of who you turn out to be.

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Κυριακή 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

20. A Letter To Your Mother

Dear Mama/Momma/Mamila/Mamily/Mom,
I feel like tearing up and I haven’t even completed a sentence of this letter. Now there’s lump in my throat. What can I possibly begin to say to you in a letter?

You have been through so much during your life. You have sacrificed a lot to be where you are now and I envy you for the entirety of your being. There were times when I couldn’t understand some of your opinions and vice versa. As a mother, it must be hard for you when you have your child and your beliefs clash with each other. I don’t know what you think.. I am at peace just by knowing you love me and want me to be happy.
I envy your faith and baking skills (I keep forgetting to ask you for your infamous apple and carrot cake recipes)!
I love how we sometimes have Skype conversations that are primarily supposed to be 10-15 minutes long but instead end up lasting at least an hour; I love the directions you give me and the way in which you give off a vibe of “seriousness” whenever I ask you how to cook a particular food on Skype or when we’re together.
I love how during special occasions when we’re all together you get emotional during a toast; I love how we sleep in the same bed on the first night we see each other after months of being apart or before I travel back to the UK and how we hold hands and sometimes talk until we’re too sleepy to continue.
I love how you refuse to allow me to come home with the bus from the airport even though I don’t really mind.
I love how passionate you are about gardening and have a taste in floral patterns for certain items such as mugs, table cloths, towels, clothes and paintings.
I love it when you hug me and “let go”; I love how you weren’t and are still not hesitant to cry in front of me for fear of appearing weak in my eyes because you’re “supposed to be the parent, the strong one” – and you are so so strong, Mama, you have no idea.
I love how you treat your children’s friends as if they were your own children; I love how you manage to say something in a serious tone while expressing genuineconcern for some of the habits of students in the UK (e.g. “Why don’t they wear socks with their shoes?”  or “Doesn’t this boy have a mother?” – when a boy was wearing Bermuda shorts and a t-shirt in freezing weather) but it sounds hilarious!
I love the fact that we’ve given your smell a nickname (‘Mamila’) – it’s a mixture of perfume and soap. Speaking of soap, ‘Clean On Me’ shower gel probably is getting most of its’ profit from you.
Mama, you sweet, beautiful, chic woman you; you’re loving, patient, supportive and selfless and we are forever grateful to you for this.

I love you, darling.

Online Users


‘Maria-Eleni’ -
The combination of 
Two names.
In an emergency, by the time it gets called out,
There will be a need for some sort of a financial claim.
Maria; the elegant, the gentle, the wise.
Eleni; the selfless, the anxious, the child-like eyes.
Though I know names do not determine the nature of one’s soul
I am responsible for being myself and that is my strongest desire; my life long goal.
While Maria has been gone for five years
And Eleni loves Turkish series which bring her to tears
I will hold their names, their pronunciation will be loud;
I will leave a legacy of dignity and make them proud. 

Online Users

Δευτέρα 26 Ιανουαρίου 2015


Μερικές φορές, λένε, είναι καλύτερα να κάψεις ό,τι σου προκαλεί συναισθηματική και κατά συνέπεια σωματική δυσφορία.
Μα, κάνοντάς το αυτό δεν θα αποτρέψει την αυτοκαταστροφή κι ούτε την ευθύνη της ζωής της.
Κατάλαβε τη σημασία του συντακτικού με περισσότερη εμβέλεια όταν αναγκάστηκε να αντιμετωπίσει τα γεγονότα γι’αυτά ακριβώς που ήταν κι όχι για τη διαιώνιση της ιδεαλοποίησής του.
Βρες το ρήμα. Το βρήκες; Ωραία. Η ενεργητική φωνή.. χμμ.. η αέναη κίνηση – σύμβολο της στιγμιαίας ρευστότητας.
Το υποκείμενο. Ποιός ενεργεί; Ξαναδοκίμασε. Σωστά κατάλαβες, εσύ.
Αντικείμενο; Αυτή.
<<Αν δεν τα κάνουμε τώρα, πότε θα τα κάνουμε – στα γεράματα;>>, της λέει.
Αισθάνεται ένα βάρος στο στήθος καθώς το άγχος, η ανυπομονησία και το θάρρος ξεχειλίζουν από τον καπνό του τσιγάρου.
Μα δε μπορούσε να καταλάβει για ποιο λόγο υπήρχαν τόσες προσδοκίες από τόσες απρόσωπες φωνές, τόσα απρόσωπα πρέπει, τόσα απρόσωπα ταμπού και τόσα ηθικά διλήμματα.
Είχε να φιλήσει τα χείλη κάποιου ανθρώπου περίπου 2 χρόνια.
Ποιο το νόημα να φιλάς χείλη χωρίς πάθος, χωρίς σπίθα στα μάτια και φλόγα στη καρδιά;
Τί μπορεί, άραγε, να προσφέρει η σεξουαλική ηδονή από άγνωστους και μη όταν, ασυνείδητα πολλές φορές, το ζήτημα είναι μια απλή κάλυψη του... κενού;
<<Ας είναι, ας μας βρίσκεται, ας τον έχουμε σε περίπτωση κακοκαιρίας – ο μελλοντικός εσωτερικός καιρός το πάει για βροχή.>>
Το σώμα της είναι εκεί μα το μυαλό της ταξιδεύει στη διαφορά της ώρας.
Τα χέρια της σφίγγουν στη προσπάθεια σκεπτικής απεξάρτησης.

<<Τώρα θα τα κάνουμε.>> απαντάει, <<τώρα.>>

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Πέμπτη 8 Ιανουαρίου 2015

19. A Letter To Someone That Hurt You

Dear - ,

You came into my life a long time before I clarified your presence and before you did mine.
I really did love you, you know. After a certain point, I can’t tell if I actually knew you at all or if it was the idea I had of you and that which you chose to present. I guess some of us hide who we truly are from time to time – not out of habit but out of fear or bad timing.

It hurt like hell but it opened my eyes. It was necessary for me to reach a level of humanity I would have never reached under other circumstances.

There were moments when I couldn’t listen to some songs and would change them as soon as the first sounds played onto my headphones. Sometimes I would dream of you and wake up in peace but then realize it was a dream and get a lump in my throat as I lied to myself that it was nothing and it meant nothing; that it was just my subconscious playing tricks on me. There were moments when I’d pass someone who reminded me of your smell and my mind would go numb for a while. There were moments when I would have the legs of others on my lap or the lips of others brushing against my own and would get flashbacks of that night.

It’s in the past now, it doesn’t hurt anymore and I regret nothing.  I sometimes wish I could go to my past self and to tell her to keep going and that things will be alright. As time goes by I realize the future is unpredictable and that’s what’s fascinating to me. 
Hate, jealousy and hypocrisy are an absolute waste of time but so is acting selfishly.

I don't think it's a profound theory of ethics. I think it's just about being human. Treating others the way you would like to be treated. 

It’s our choices, our behavior and our responsibility to take our feelings, ideas and thoughts and implement them into actions. Sometimes, not doing so is the appropriate solution. Nontheless, at least we can say we tried. Go out, do what makes you alive, be who you want to be but remember to be kind, gentle, brave and forgiving. 

What are you waiting for?


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