Τρίτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2012


I think the meaning of life is to understand that there is no meaning. You just have to live life, love, do good, evolve spiritually. Every bit of information we have is a piece of translation - a puzzle piece, I believe.

Each formula, musical note, wavelength, mentality - they're left when someone dies in order for us to use it and give our own meaning to life.

With all the knowledge we gain we, ourselves, become little puzzle pieces of the universe. And once we die, our memories, dreams, fears, desires all are subatomic particles - the pixels of an unpainted picture. The tiniest particle we obtain, the tiniest detail, cannot be traced because it cannot be seen in one moment or caption.

But alas, it is there!

That part is there in each and every one of us. That part is the most valuable unit to our existence. It's what makes us strive for brilliance; pull through the hardships; open the windows of compassion even when the shutters of apathy and pessimism are tightly bound. And humanity has been evolving and discovering new means to finally reach this minuscule particle but it always is a few steps ahead.

It may never be reached.

And even if it were to be reached, it would disappear into thin air because it is not supposed to be found.

Because if it were to be, the curtains of mystery would fall - life's masked meaning would be exposed. Life would not be life.

Humans would not be humans.

Civilizations would cease to exist.

And we would begin from scratch to the destination of self destruction.

Humans are humans, after all.

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