Παρασκευή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Random appreciation post

Can I just say how amazed I am at the type of LGBT media that has come out (pun intended) in the last couple of years?

Having seen the new season of Atypical - how can you not be surprised?! I remember being a teen and the only shows that existed were 'South of Nowhere', 'Skins' and 'the L Word'. I also remember 'Imagine Me and You' and 'Lost and Delirious'. Gosh.. 

Now you have many webseries to choose from, Netflix series, movies..! It is wonderful. You get different genres too.. I am literally so hyped that there is this such variety, that characters are so diverse and relatable. That they are portrayed with great complexity. 

I love how their intimate scenes are conveyed naturally, with humor and passion.

I think if I had some of these shows growing up, it would have been great as some of the movies mostly portrayed for my age group at that time lead to a character dying or a lot of drug use and behaviours/lives which I couldn't relate to.

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