Τρίτη 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2014


I don’t know if it’s because it’s the end of the year but I think I need to get some thoughts out of my head.
This post will be a list and possible explanation of what I have learned this past year.
1) Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care and caring for others. You have to trust your instincts and do what is right in order to give you peace of mind; it’s not a matter of narcissism but one of vitality with regards to your mental and physical well being.
2) Treating others with respect, being honest and maintaining an open communication can take you a long way.
3) Putting yourself out there and taking risks can be tricky but they’re worth it. It’s better to know you tried than have the doubts and ‘what ifs’.
4) Before you can be with someone in a relationship, you have to establish that you are confident and at peace by being on your own. It’s essential to love yourself (however cliche that may sound) first before you can have a commitment to any other human being or else it’s just a waste of time and feelings on any end.
5) Be open to new experiences but don’t be afraid to speak up about issues that bother you or make you feel uncomfortable. If you feel that you are not emotionally secure with someone’s behavior, it is always best to be upfront about it rather than keep it bottled up inside because you feel it’s insignificant to mention or may make the other person temporarily upset.
6) Reading up on work or any information for that matter can allow you to approach ideas from a different angle. This can further aid your understanding and personal stance on what it is you’re being exposed to and can help cultivate your sense of bioethics and philosophy of life.

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