Τρίτη 13 Μαρτίου 2018

My grandfather once wrote about a fictional gathering of famous characters in history and their thoughts on important past events of their lives. He wrote:
In attendance, there will be great international guests such as Pel of Babylon, Lucullus, Pampeos, Caesar Augustus, Nero, Hazgerd II, Nestor, Alpaslan, Genghis Khan, Lengtimour, Shah Abbas, Queen Tamara, Gladstone, Sultan Hamid, Talaat, Enver, Stalin and Beria, all linked to Armenian history.
These characters defend, explain or bare their actions on stage in front of everyone.
I find it interesting and wish I could ask him about it, amongst other things. Did these characters know each other in this fictitious cosmos? It reminds me of thoughts I had during Religion Studies in high school - would we meet philosophers or famous historical figures, as they were in their time of living? Would they know about recent technological developments?
Anyway. I came across a picture the other day and wanted to write. These days have been so strange as I usually do not feel such an urge to write but it has been quite busy. Perhaps my mind has needed a change from academic writing. The picture included made me feel something and come up with a little fantasy scenario and I feel my grandfather would be laughing because it just popped into my head a few minutes ago and I instantly felt the urge to articulate it.

Imagine a residence
A getaway location, a purgatory of sorts.
Picture history’s most well-known individuals in different eras of rooms
These rooms shift and rotate to fit the person’s era in which they lived in
The content of the rooms is different and sometimes irrelevant to what these people are known for
For example
Imagine Socrates with Einstein in a room with cooking samples and materials
Visualise Picasso with Cleopatra attempting to play jenga or solve puzzles
Conceptualise Henry the eighth with Rosalind Franklin serving as witnesses to a court case of sexual harassment in the 21st century
Imagine these stairs being the way to get between rooms and these people not knowing who they will end up with or who it is who is passing them by
Think about the stories, the comedy, the breaking of time in the meeting point of all of these influences!

(Picture: Source:)

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