Τετάρτη 29 Μαΐου 2013


-"I can't help but feel tired. Mentally, physically - what have you - it's a feeling I cannot explain".
-"Tired? At your age? Oh child, you haven't seen anything yet."
-"The motivation to live and love has left me. It has sailed to sea. I can't figure out if the meaning of life is important yet clear to me anymore."
-"You're young. It is only understandable and expected for you to go through notions of everything around you. You gain a new perspective as you grow older. Your experiences change you; they transform your inner desires to skeptical approaches and behaviors. The way you perceive all that is around you depends on you."
-"I am young. I am young. I am young. I feel the constant need to remind myself. However, I feel everything but that. I have always sensed that I never fit into my age group.. It has held me back from understanding my peers. It has held them back from understanding me. I sometimes wonder if people ever understand primary intentions.. if people ever trust blindly and don't doubt their every move."
-"I am not one to know. Each person to his own. We human beings can be very strange at times. Alas, that is the beauty of our species - diversity in character and appearance."
-"It is so easy to live by the words of others; to hang on to the safety net of previously worded and viewed conditions. When the time of need comes though, that's when people show their true colors. Whether they're brave or cowardly; strong or weak; right or wrong and so forth."
-"Can't a brave man be weak and wrong? Can't a cowardly man be strong and right?"
-"Define chaotic entity."


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Quotes by William Saroyan

“In the time of your life, live - so that in that good time there shall be no ugliness or death for yourself or for any life your life touches. Seek goodness everywhere, and when it is found, bring it out of its hiding-place and let it be free and unashamed...In the time of your life, live - so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite delight and mystery of it.”  - William Saroyan, The Time Of Your Life

“You must remember always to give, of everything you have. You must give foolishly even. You must be extravagant. You must give to all who come into your life. Then nothing and no one shall have power to cheat you of anything, for if you give to a thief, he cannot steal from you, and he himself is then no longer a thief. And the more you give, the more you will have to give.” - William Saroyan, The Human Comedy

“This sense of being out of time has driven thousands of people from their homes into moving-picture theaters where new universes appear before them, with emphasis on man and his major problem: a thing called, conveniently, love. The Sunday midnight shows do a thriving business, and the people go back to their homes, sick with the sickness of frustration; it is this that makes the city so interesting at night: the people emerging from the theaters, smoking cigarettes and looking desperate, wanting much, the precision, the glory, all the loveliness of life: wanting what is finest and getting nothing. It is saddening to see them, but there is mockery in the heart: one walks among them, laughing at oneself and at them, their midnight staring.” - William Saroyan, The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze and Other Stories

“When I was fifteen and had quit school forever, I went to work in a vineyard near Sanger with a number of Mexicans, one of whom was only a year or two older than myself, an earnest boy named Felipe. One gray, dismal, cold, dreary day in January, while we were pruning muscat vines, I said to this boy, simply in order to be talking, "If you had your wish, Felipe, what would you want to be? A doctor, a farmer, a singer, a painter, a matador, or what?" Felipe thought a minute, and then he said, "Passenger." This was exciting to hear, and definitely something to talk about at some length, which we did. He wanted to be a passenger on anything that was going anywhere, but most of all on a ship.” - William Saroyan, The Reformer

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Τετάρτη 22 Μαΐου 2013


Sweat trickled down the picturesque curve of your being.
Your body longed to find that which was missing.
Your eyes gave way to the light.
You could not form the words.
You still can’t form them.
''That which can never be fully explained is not meant to be destroyed''.
With that notion, you leaned in and left me with the taste of your youth; with the taste of your essence.
My days ever since have been a set of justifications.
My days ever since have been an effort to maintain a balance in raging beauty.

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Κυριακή 19 Μαΐου 2013

Quote from Ben Okri (Starbook)

‘…she lived in a dream. The world was strange to her. It was as if she had come from another constellation, another world and had found herself marooned on an odd planet where she was completely lost. 
…she had no idea what to do with herself. And so she made things, carved, drew figures on wooden panels, made up songs, invented new patterns, and ran exhausting errands, all this to try and stop feelings of powerful and fragile beauty from tearing apart her insides.’ 

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Κυριακή 12 Μαΐου 2013

Tears and Smoke

You gave in one more time and swore it to be your last.
It was not so much the sweetness of the smoke as it was the shapes it made.
It could form anything, really - that was what kept you drawn to it.
It formed the intricate outline of his palm; depicted the graceful curve from her waist to her pelvis.
It shaped her hair flowing restlessly in the summer breeze.
It presented you with the sounds of youth – the very same sounds you promised yourself to remember and revive when life showed you the dark side of maturity and compromise.
I know you miss it – I know you’re missing it already.
Let those tears fall, there’s no rush to be defined.
You should not be hesitant or afraid -
For the moments and people that impacted your life greatly were and are ongoing outcomes of change.

(I hold no credit for the photo)

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Παρασκευή 3 Μαΐου 2013


Τόση αγάπη
Να δώσουμε
Και πνιγόμαστε
Πίσω από όρια
Σε χειρονομίες σιωπής.
Κάνουμε πίσω
Μα πέφτουμε εκούσια μπροστά.
Σε δάκρυα αλτρουισμού
Επικροτείται και
Η πορεία
Των επιφανειακά ταπεινών
Μα καθόλου μετανιωμένων

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